Wednesday, 4 December 2024

After A Horrific Night Comes Bright Day

New music from Bonnie 'Prince' Billy. London May is song two of twelve on twenty second album, The Purple Bird, arriving January twenty twenty five.

I really like London May and I especially like the video directed by Sai Selvarajan. London May is named after the writer and musician, who also co-stars with Will in the video. I confess that I've not heard of London May before now, but they have a colourful and interesting history, to say the least.

I thought I had more of Will Oldham's music in my collection than I did. It turns out that I have a smattering of Bonnie 'Prince' Billy songs and collaborations from various periods (and mostly various artist compilations). Just the one album, in fact, and that being There Is No-One What Will Take Care Of You by Palace Brothers, from thirty one years ago.

Any recommendations for where to start and/or some essential listens are very welcome.

In writing this, I've also just discovered that Will and I were born four days and roughly four thousand miles apart. A shared love of music and star sign might turn out to be the only things we have in common, but maybe that's enough.

Happy birthday for 15th December, Will, hope it's full of love, hugs and melodies.


  1. Can't be of much help I'm afraid. Like you I have lots of odds and sods but the only proper records I have is a collaboration - 'The Marble Downs' LP with Trembling Bells. Whether you will like that depends very much on whether you like Trembling Bells.

    1. Thanks Ernie, I can't say that I'm at all familiar with Trembling Bells either, so it's maybe worth a dive into the unknown!
