Friday, 21 May 2021


With absolutely no apologies, more Andrew Weatherall, this time with compadre Keith Tenniswood as Two Lone Swordsmen. This is side 1 of a 2001 mixtape, drawing exclusively on the 1998-2001 period, covering the album Tiny Reminders, remix companion Further Reminders, and two mini-albums/EPs, A Bag Of Blue Sparks and A Virus With Shoes. 'Nuff said.
Schismatic (Split One) (49:55)
1) Constant Reminder (2000)
2) Rotting Hill Carnival (Two Lone Swordsmen Remix) (2001)
3) Celcus Speaks The Truth (1999)
4) Confessions Of A Justified Sinner (1999)
5) Sticky (1998)
6) Brootle (Klart Remix By Andrew Weatherall & Keith Tenniswood) (2001)
7) Neuflex (Dry & Heavy Remix By Shigemoto Nanao & Takeshi Akimoto) (2001)
8) Foreververb (2000)
9) Black Commandments 2 (1998)
10) Last Of The Fumes (1998)
11) It's Not The Worst I've Looked ... Just The Most I've Ever Cared (Lali Puna Remix) (2001)
Schismatic (Split One) (49:55) (KF) (Mega)

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Khayem- some of their tracks from this period get overlooked but there's loads going on in this selection.
