Monday 7 October 2024

Seventh Scott

A 'light' post with a 'heavy subject, courtesy of Mr. Scott Walker and The Seventh Seal from 1969's Scott 4.
I probably haven't seen Ingmar Bergman's 1957 film of the same name for over thirty years, a time when I was voraciously viewing all of the monochrome masterpieces of cinematic history that I could find. And up to that point, I most likely only knew lead actor Max Von Sydow from his late career star turn as Ming The Merciless in the wonderfully OTT 1980 remake of Flash Gordon.

It's a wonderful, powerful film that's been paid homage to (most recently by Depeche Mode's video for Ghosts Again) and spoofed (brilliantly in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey). 

It was many, many years later that I finally got around to buying a CD collection of Scott Walker's early albums and therefore discovered his own adaptation of The Seventh Seal on Scott 4.
And then, in deciding to post The Seventh Seal on the seventh day of October, I discovered that standingathwart had edited together snippets from the film to accompany the song, so that the former more or less parallels the narrative of the latter. There are even moments when the original subtitles crossover with Scott's own lyrics.

Very nicely done, and if it encouraged visitors to check out the song or the film or both, then all the better for it.

Anybody seen a knight pass this wayI saw him playing chess with Death yesterdayHis crusade was a search for God and they sayIt's been a along way to carry on
Anybody hear of plague in this townThe town I've left behind was burned to the groundA young girl on a stake her face framed in flames criedI'm not a witch God knows my name
The knight he watched with fearHe needed to knowHe ran where he might feel God's breathAnd in the misty churchHe knelt to confessThe face within the booth was Mr. Death
My life's a vain pursuit of meaningless smilesWhy can't God touch me with a signPerhaps there's no one there answered the boothAnd Death hid within his cloak and smiled
This morning I played chess with Death said the knightWe played that he might grant me timeMy bishop and my knight will shatter his flanksAnd still I might feel God's heart in mine
And through confession's grille Death's laughter was heardThe knight cried No you've cheated me!But still I'll find a wayWe'll meet once again and once againContinue to play
They met within the woods the knight his squire and friendsAnd Death said now the game shall endThe final move was madeThe knight hung his headAnd said you've won I've nothing left to play
The minstrel filled with visions sang to his loveTo look against the stormy skyThe knight his squire and friendsTheir hands held as oneSolemnly danced toward the dawn
His hourglass in his hand his scythe by his sideThe master Death he leads them onThe rain will wash away the tears from their facesAnd as the thunder cracked they were gone


  1. I hate to be a pest when I know you've had a late night but the video is showing as unavailable.

    1. Noooooo!!!!! Such much for planning in advance….

      Thanks for the spot, Ernie. Unfortunately, it will be some hours before I can get to the post and edit it, so I hope this link will work in the meantime…

  2. I also see that the video is deactivated. However, as soon as I clicked on the link, I was redirected to YouTube. Despite everything, it's always a pleasure to listen to Scott Walker. Thanks for comparing the two films, which couldn't be more different.
