Friday, 24 January 2025

So Hard To Let My Old Self Go

I had planned an Edwyn Collins selection but my tech has been on a go slow - perhaps mirroring my physical and mental state after a taxing week at work (still not over) - so I've unfortunately had to park that for now and focus solely on Edwyn's new single, Knowledge.

As above, I've been slow to post about this: Charity Chic was on the case last weekend and I have to echo his sentiment in describing a new release by Edwyn as being "good news for the New Year".

Narratively speaking, Knowledge could be read as an autobiographical piece, Edwyn seemingly looking back at his life with a sense of loss for what once was,

"The more I know of this old world,
I don't feel safe,
I don't have faith"

But of course, being Edwyn, optimism and determination shine through,

"In my youth, I was shy and awkward,
Anyhow, I made it count.
That's the point,
Keep on going,
It's the same for everyone."

The video shows Edwyn in his beautiful home turf of Helmsdale in Scotland, with the latter part of the song cutting to clips of younger Edwyn performing with Orange Juice and solo as he sings "so hard to let my old self go".

This is not a regretful song: the key line in the chorus - "Knowledge is a friend of mine" - gives hope that whilst we may lose things along the way, we may gain in other respects, be it faith, wisdom or that life simply goes on.

Musically, it's classic Collins: melody, rise to chorus, joyous brass; I cannot listen to Knowledge without feeling uplifted. Edwyn's talent as a tunesmith is undiminished.

Edwyn's new album, Nation Shall Speak Unto Nation (his 10th!), is out on 14th March. It's not yet available for pre-order via Bandcamp, but you can get the physical formats (and so much more) via his website.


  1. Great review of his new song - I'm hoping there may be some live dates too in 2025!

    1. Much as I'd love to think so, I suspect it's unlikely. Edwyn has released another great single and video in the meantime, though!

  2. As you might well imagine, I think the world of this new single and video. It did, I have to confess, bring a wee tear to my eye.
