Thursday, 23 January 2025

Wouldn't Know What Socialism Is If It Punched Him In The Dick

Lambrini Girls had a fleeting mention in last week's round up of new stuff, but I had to share this.

A couple of weeks ago, Lily and Phoebe were interviewed at Rough Trade in Bristol by the Pint-Sized Punk (Arlo to his loved ones), 14-years old and putting seasoned, grizzled music journalists to shame with his interview questions and style. Case in point:

"People* are already saying [Who Let The Dogs Out] is going to be an Album Of The Year. 
How's does it feel knowing it's going to be downhill for the rest of the year now?"

Their reactions and responses are priceless...and well worth twenty minutes of your time to watch the whole interview.

* And by 'people', Arlo is clearly referring to Jez from A History Of Dubious Taste, who said as much earlier this month. And he's right.

Today's post title comes from Filthy Rich Nepo Baby, which Lily cites as one of her favourite lyrics on the album (Phoebe defers the question as she wrote them). Here they are performing the song for KEXP last August:

Lambrini Girls were asked which of their songs they would perform as the UK entrant in the Eurovision Song Contest. Having decided that they "couldn't get away with" Cuntology 101, Phoebe and Lily settled on God's Country "because we fucking hate England" and they would "throw tons of Victoria Sponge cake at the judges" for their double standards.

The campaign to get Lambrini Girls to Switzerland for the finals in May begins now.

All hail
God's Country
Big Ben, Number 10
Oxford and Cambridge
Small talk about the weather
Outside detention centres
Union Jack, oil from Iraq
And God save the King

All hail
God's Country
Daily Mail, bacon baps
Racist uncles want their country back
Flag Shaggers
Maggie Thatcher
Oh Britannia
God save the King

"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?

All hail
God's Country
Bankers pay no tax
Grandma can't afford heating
Strong and stable, you're joking
Pizza Express in Woking
Can't afford to eat there
But a paedophile can?

All hail
God's Country
I'm sorry bestie
But it's giving austerity
Three Lions
Close the borders
Our state is lawless
But God save the King

"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?
"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?
"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?
"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?

Keep calm and carry on
While the state is corrupt
This is not democracy
And it's never coming home

"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?
Whilst the rich are getting richer
And the poor are getting poorer?

Keep calm and carry on
Whilst the state is corrupt
This is not democracy
And it's never coming home

Three Lions
Close the borders
Our state is lawless
But God save the King

"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?
"Great Britain"?
Are you sure?


  1. I like the idea of Lambrini Girls, and they've clearly got a lot to say... but I'm also quite scared of them.

    1. I'm sure they are fresh and exciting in the context of the current music scene but being a jaded old lag I'm sorry to say they just remind me of the plastic punks of yesteryear, trying a bit too hard.

    2. Rol, they were both very nice to Pint Size Punk during the interview and I'm hoping that wasn't just because he's 14 years old!

      Ernie, I know what you mean and on a personal level, it's hard for me not to be subjective and/or hypocritical on a regular basis. I can be excited or indifferent about two artists that often have very little to separate them without necessarily being able to articulate why.

      I think that at times when there seems to be a predominance of media-trained, carefully worded and navigated and ultimately bland celebrity statements, it's refreshing to hear artists who are less guarded in voicing their opinions.

  2. Just hopped over from Jez's place and you both seem to be on the same page. Will be looking out for them this year.

    1. Thanks, Alyson. Yes, I name checked Jez as I'd heard bits and bobs about Lambrini Girls, but it was his post that encouraged me to have a proper listen. Unfortunately, too late to get tickets for their upcoming show in Bristol.

  3. Here's a guess: the Lambrini Girls would be the sure winners of the ESC. Unless they had to compete against Amyl and the Sniffers. Both bands are often compared with each other. But there are two very big differences: Amyl and the Sniffers' songs are ALL great and you can like them even if you are ancient. Hard to say why that is. [sk]

    1. Well, Australia have been contenders in the Eurovision Song Contest in recent years (still not sure why, but there it is) so a year with Amyl & The Sniffers up against Lambrini Girls is not impossible...Has anyone started a campaign for this?!

  4. The album is great fun....but I was disappointed God's Country wasn't included.

    I also missed out on getting tickets for the upcoming show in Glasgow. But there's no doubt I'd have been the oldest person in the room, so I can't grumble too much
