Friday 5 July 2024

Goin' In, Out, Goin' In, Not Out

I know it's Friday but pre-empting the week ahead, here's the Happy Mondays with - what else? - Hallelujah.
I have a stupidly early start for work, and slightly more so this morning, as I'm typing this post whilst it's still dark (& raining outside) so I didn't stay up all night to watch the election results coming in.

Even so, it was hard to imagine waking up to a nightmare scenario where somehow, impossibly, the Tories had managed to cling onto government. At the time of writing, we're still some way to go but it's clear that the reality and long-held hope is that they are out, out, out. Labour have a lot to do, and to prove, especially in the next year or so, but at the very least we have change and we have hope.

Thankfully, my patch is no longer blue and we have a Lib Dem MP for the first time since 2015. In a marked contrast to scenes elsewhere shown on TV, when I arrived at my local polling station on my way home from work, there was one other person at a voting booth, so we were outnumbered 3:1 by the election volunteers. Numbers of voters who turned up yesterday was 2% up on 2019.

A more worrying statistic - yet, having lived here long enough, not entirely surprising - is that a large chunk of the Tory vote appears to have shifted to the Reform candidate, who comfortably came in third with nearly 50% more votes than Labour (though their candidate did improve on 2019). Farage is now an MP, so we'll no doubt be subject to even more of his smug mug and hate-filled hyperbole on screen, but...we also have change and we have hope of something better.

Back to Happy Mondays, I was always tickled by the video for the single, mostly Shaun, Bez and the band in slo mo, with a hint of the chaos that underpinned pretty much everything that they did. 
Given the song is two minutes and forty three seconds long, I have to feel for the video directors and editor, who I suspect may have had a substantial amount of footage yet very little that they could actually use! Opting for slow motion to eke out the precious few seconds may have been a reactive measure out of necessity perhaps, but somehow it works.

What I hadn't realised before now was that Richard Heslop and the Bailey Brothers (Phil Shotton & Keith Jobling) were in fact sent the extended Club Mix by Andrew Weatherall and Paul Oakenfold to shoot the video too, so in fact they had nearly seven minutes of music to work with. I think they did a pretty good job.

When Ewan Pearson remixed the song in 2020, a couple of official videos were commissioned to assist with promotion. I've opted here for the Dub Remix version, which stretches the song out to nine and half minutes of mind-bending bliss, with video director Glenn Kitson pushing elements of the original video through a psychedelic rinser.

And I think it's a mandatory requirement (or if it's not, it should be) that any post about Hallelujah must include Happy Mondays appearance on Top Of The Pops, joined on stage by the wonderful and much-missed Kirsty MacColl


  1. Wholly agree with the sentiments herein - I think we may have that same LibDem MP! I do think the sobering part of today is that if those Reform voters return to the Conservatives in the coming years we are literally back where we started..

    1. I think I was in a grouchy mood because I had to cancel my day off to go into work, Mike. Now it's the weekend I can revel in the fact that we have got rid of the Tories at long last!

  2. Yes, drilling a bit deeper into the stats is a bit sobering, especially the tiny vote-share increase for Labour and the fact that this monumental swing is mostly down to blue voters defecting to others, including Reform. But, for now, we rejoice!

    1. Quite right, Martin, after 14 years it's worth savouring the moment and the hope for the future.

  3. At the start of the evening I didn't know whether it would be monumental, or monufuckingmental; I needn't have worried.


    1. Supercalifragilisticmonufuckingmental, as it turns out!

  4. Phew, sanity has returned at last. I simply can't spoil my sense of relief thinking about Reform in any way at all right now, they are not worth the use of my brain cells. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight too, Khayem, after your horrendously early start.

    1. Thanks, C, and excuse my somewhat enervated comments about the voting choices of my immediate neighbours. I'd originally planned a day off on Friday - not specifically to celebrate the (hoped for) Tory trouncing but hey, why not? - so I was a bit deflated by having to cancel and go in. It ended up being a very long day though I'm happy to report that there was a spring in my step and yes, I slept well last night.

      A slight aside on Reform before I stop wasting any more time and headspace on them, a comment from Mrs. K that made me chuckle. Whilst Farage may have finally become an MP, he will soon wake up to the reality that it means he'll actually have to do some work in his constituency. Let's hope there are lots of potholes in Clacton to focus his mind and keep him off our screens!

  5. I reckon if we had woken up to any kind of Tory win, there would have been riots in the streets.

    1. It was nice to wake up again this morning and realise that it wasn't all a fever dream, Rol.

  6. We have a Labour MP, first time since we've moved here in 96. That on its own is worth celebrating. I feel fucking elated and relieved too. Hallelujah is such an evocative record for me, so of its time. the video too- nails it

    1. That's great news, Adam. It was Lib Dem when we first moved here but the majority of the time it's been Tory so I'm relieved to see the back of them. A day in and some inspired and inspiring appointments, so I am feeling a sense of optimism that we have people in government that care about other people (i.e. us) and not just their cronies or own self-interests.

      And channel surfing away from the political coverage on TV, I chanced upon Celebrity Gogglebox and Shaun Ryder desperately trying to give Bez a hug. Bez eventually relented and gave him a few.

