Monday 6 November 2023

Shame, Shame, Shane

It's Monday and there can be no other choice than Shane MacGowan with The Pogues.
BBC News had an interesting piece on Saturday about David Holmes' forthcoming album, Blind On A Galloping Horse. Despite David's own not inconsiderable talent and body of work, both the headline and the opening half focused - perhaps predictably - on Sinéad O'Connor and their work on what sadly proved to be her last recorded album.
However, a comment by BBC entertainment reporter Paul Glynn further down then caught my eye: 
"The pair originally met at the funeral of another Irish music star, Shane McGowan" (sic).
Going back to the item now, there's no longer any reference to how David and Sinéad met and I initially thought I may have misread it. However, much as one may wish to quietly edit and remove errors, there will invariably be a corner of t'internet where it can be found...

It says as much about editorial oversight as journalists themselves when errors like this manage to slip out there. As an aside, a regular BBC News feature is to 'fact check' statements and assertions made by politicians at home and abroad. I'm now wondering who fact checks the fact checkers...
The actual meeting reportedly took place at a concert in January 2018 celebrating Shane MacGowan's 60th birthday.
Shane has been in poor health and has been in hospital for a significant part of this year, the last official statement from Victoria May Clarke in September that she hoped Shane would be well enough to be home for Christmas. Shane will be 66 on Christmas Day so here's wishing him all the best for his recovery and return home in time to celebrate with his loved ones.

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