Thursday 27 June 2024

All Thursday Does Is Remind Me

The day is Thursday, the song is Thursday and the band are the brilliant Asobi Seksu.  

Bar a one-off gig in October 2014 supporting Slowdive at the latter's request, Asobi Seksu have been on hiatus for over a decade. However, there's much to enjoy in the music they made between 2001 and 2012.
Thursday originally appeared on second album Citrus in 2006, was subsequently released as a single. In 2009, the band sold an album of stripped down versions called Acoustic At Olympic Studios at their gigs. This was later reissued and retitled Rewolf and closes with a version of Thursday.
It's an interesting variation, exposed and raw in many respects, though the shimmering beauty of the shoegaze original can't be beaten.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, love Asobi Seksu's sound, but hadn't heard the Rewolf version of Thursday before, cheers.
