Friday 28 June 2024

Friday I'm In Love

After a week of oblique, sometimes 'on the nose' is all you need. And all you need is...The Cure.

I wasn't a huge fan of this song or the album when it originally came out. However, my girlfriend loved it and actually, I do too.

Whatever you thought of The Cure's music, their videos with Tim Pope were always great value and guaranteed to pop out from the thousands of others washing around the music TV shows and channels that month. Friday I'm In Love is no exception.

One more post tomorrow to round out the tenuous 'days of the week' theme, and it'll be a good one. At least, I think it will, I've no idea what I'm writing about yet!

1 comment:

  1. Bob Smith's PRS cheque pension plan! And a lovely, lovely song.
