Saturday 1 June 2024

Last Night From Last Night From Glasgow

I'm halfway though my second year as a member of the Last Night From Glasgow label, who have been steadily supplying me with some wonderful vinyl albums and yet they've had relatively little mention here. Time to make amends!

There are different tiers of membership but the principle is the same: several times a year, a parcel will arrive containing a clutch of new releases. A couple of weeks ago, I received a bumper delivery of a half dozen albums, including Xan Tyler, The Blow Monkeys, Scorpio Leisure, Casual Sex, a reissue of His Latest Flame's debut (and album) and China Greatness, where China Crisis revisit and rework their back catalogue to stunning effect.

Unsurprisingly, there's a predominance of Scottish artists on the roster, many of which I'd never heard of, and whilst not every album will get repeated plays, the hit rate is astonishingly high. I had no hesitation in renewing my membership at the end of 2023 and so far the releases have been top notch. I will get around to reviewing some individual albums at some point.

So, here's a 10-track selection that makes a modest attempt to encapsulate what's so great about the label. Some names will be familiar, some won't, but it makes for a varied and satisfying listening experience. Well, in my opinion, at least.
Oh yes, and this selection is intentionally sub-titled Volume One...
1) Sure As: Brenda (2023)
2) Lightweight: Marco Rossi (2024)
3) Rescue Mission: Billy Reeves (2024)
4) Gas Mask Blues: The Filthy Tongues (2022)
5) Just Shine: Jerry Burns (1992)
6) The Naked Ape: David McClymont (2022)
7) I Want You To Know: Starry Skies (2020)
8) I Keep Reaching For The Sun: Gates Of Light (2023)
9) Don't Ask Why: Brontës (2024)
10) Working For The Yankee Dollar (Live@ The Peacock, Sunderland): Skids (2022)

1992: Jerry Burns: 5
2020: Do It With Love: 7
2022: Centuries: 6
2022: In These Dark Places: 4
2023: Brenda: 1
2023: Destination Dusseldorf (bonus tracks) (MP3): 10
2023: Gates Of Light II (Glasgow Edition) EP: 8
2024: Element Of Revival EP: 9
2024: Since Returning From The Moon: 2
2024: Steve (A Weekend In Egham, 1996): 3

Volume One (38:30) (KF) (Mega)


  1. You come here to escape from Charity Chic's endless droning on about Glasgow and what do you find? I'm beginning to think maybe if you can't beat them join them...

    1. I thought I'd give you a break from my banging on about Bristol, Ernie! You may wish to skip Sunday's post, however....

  2. I'm even more guilty of not giving enough mention to the LNFG/PNFG be honest, I could devote two or three days of the blog each week and still not run out of things to write about. I'll need to get my act together and get some sort of series launched later in the year.

    It's interesting that you mention not every album gets repeated plays....that's certainly what I find, but I have no issue with it whatsoever as the sustainable model used by the label means artists/composers do OK out of it while we, as 'consumers' get well more than our monies' worth in terms of vinyl.

    1. And I like the fact that we all have different tastes and opinions on the albums that LNFG release. Whilst we shared a great love for Hifi Sean & David McAlmont's debut, I think we had quite divergent reactions to Air In The Lungs, for example!
