Monday 17 June 2024

Eclipsed By Smudges On A Hitlist

What little I've heard of Hamish Hawk has been courtesy of other music blogs, so I'm unfamiliar with most of his catalogue, but latest single Nancy Dearest caught my attention.

Previous single Big Cat Tattoos is equally pleasing. 

Nice production, big bass, strident guitar, urgent percussion and a deep, rich vocal, all done and dusted in a smidge over three minutes. Honours its influences whilst sounding fresh and energetic. 

Fourth album, A Firmer Hand, is out on Fri 16th August, with an in-store at Rough Trade in Bristol the same evening. Tempted.


  1. I'd go!! But I'm in Cornwall :(

    1. I don't know, people who put family and holidays before gigs...!

  2. Be tempted. Love HH's 2021 album Heavy Elevator.

    1. I'm checking it out now, Martin. I saw the video for The Mauritian Badminton Doubles Champion, 1973 shortly after posting and that hooked me.
