Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Every Day So Wonderful

Jungle released the video for Dominoes last Tuesday (23rd) as a precursor to new album Volcano, out on 11th August. 
I've read a bit about Jungle and heard even less, but I have been playing this song on repeat since I first heard it. 

According to Iffypedia, Josh Lloyd-Watson and Tom McFarland formed Jungle in 2013 and Volcano is in fact their fourth album.
And the video is choreographed to perfection. One-shot dance videos, directed by Josh, are apparently Jungle's trademark so I'm looking forward to sampling more sounds and vision if it's as good as this. 
Sometimes it's not so bad being a Johnny-Come-Lately when you get hooked by a song and realise that there's a whole back catalogue to dive into.
More summery stuff coming your way tomorrow. 

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